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अभिलेख कक्ष ‘झिरो पेडन्सी’ उपक्रम | Zero pendency GR Maharashtra

अभिलेख कक्ष ‘झिरो पेडन्सी’ उपक्रम “Zero pendency GR Maharashtra”

Certified Copies of Records:

Necessary Document for this Procedure

  1. Application
  2. Case paper
  3. Zerox
  4. Government Receipt
  5. Challan
  6. Cash Book
  7. Maharashtra Land Revenue (inspection search and supply of copies of land Records )
  8. Maharashtra Govt. Gazzatte Dated 25/09/2001
  9. Civil Manual Part-1 (chapter 216)(8) 215)
  1. preface of procedure
    Certified copies of Record to be given to applicant as per rule.
    1. Maharashtra Land Revenue(copies of land record & supply) rule 1970.
    2. Maharashtra Govt. gazzated dated 25/09/2001
    3. Civil Manuel part-1 (chapter 216(8),215)
  2. How to obtain certified copies of records
    Application should write to obtain the certified copies of records on prescribed form or on plain paper
  3. Important information for the procedure
    1. Applicant shall write application in prescribe form with reason for obtaining certified copy of record and affix court fees stamp on application and submit to record office.
    2. Application shall be done individual or he shall authorized him self to a person to obtain the same.
    3. If application is not related to the case then he should make an affidavit for what reason he require the in information and submit it with the application .
    4. Ensure that whether demanded document are in record or in related branch / office
  4. Necessary devices to obtain the procedure (i.s.related Govt. letters/Govt. Reviews / Rules /Sub Rules )
    Certified copies of Record to be given to application as per Rule
    1. Maharashtra Land Revenue(copies of land record & supply) rule 1970
    2. Maharashtra Govt. gazzatte dated 25/09/2001
    3. Civil Manuel Part-1 (Chapter 216(8),215)
    4. Follow the following points & procedure
    5. After receiving the application make an entry to copy register.
    6. See that demanded document can be given as per rule or not.
    7. Ensure that demanded document was submitted by related branch to record office
    8. If not inform to related branch in writing and get it available
    9. Make the demanded documents zerox copy and write all the details on it such as application date/certified copy issued date as per rule mentioned in Govt. gazzette. And enter fee which is obtained from applicant as per rule. And make the receipt for fees and take the effect of that in cash book.
  5. After all procedure
    1. Demanded document by applicant should be given to him by Rules and well in time
    2. Fees of demanded document is to be deposited in Govt. Account.
    3. If demanded document can not be given as per Rules or if not available in record, should be give in written to applicant.
  6. Internal letter transaction or entry of such document / letter
    1. Demand of application can be come from inward or applicant can give by person to record office.
    2. Make an entry in register
    3. Write a letter to a related branch/office get the document available.
    4. If document can not be given as per rules then applicant must informed in written.
    5. If it is about office reference then write at note to dy. commissioner (General) and act according to his instruction and then issue the demanded document or if not then written letter to applicant must be given.
  7. Effectiveness of procedure
    1. Ensure that take action within ten days after receiving the application.
    2. Ensure that no complaint from applicant.
  8. How to check effectiveness
    1. Issue the document within ten days
    2. There should not be any complaint or objection from applicant
  9. Use of certified copy after procedure.
    1. Application will get help with this document in appeal , court case, land matters, etc.
    2. If applicant don�t get the certified copy. he shall be issue written letter from record, so he will try to get the same from other procedure .
  10. Preservation/Destruction of Outdated Document.
    Necessary document for the procedure:-
    1. The ABCD list for the filling Preservation Or destruction of official records in district revenue of officers complied by F. G. H. Anderson 1967 4th edition
    2. Govt. Review No. MPV.102000/Pra. Kra.158/ GO3 dt. 25/05/2000
  11. Preface of procedure
    1. Preserve the document as per ABCD list in record Or branch of Divisional Commission office.
    2. Destruction of out dated official record.Sr. No.ClassificationPreservation time1APermanently2B30 years3C-110 years4C05 years5DNot in record6ZDecide by the head of department
  12. Availability of document for there procedure
    1. All department of office should classify the closed files.
    2. Send all files year wise to record office with their list.
  13. Necessary information for this procedure
    1. Display the front page on files. It should be with subject, date of opening & closing the file, classification of file, date of destruction and signature of head of department with the list of files. Then it should be sent to record office.
  14. Necessary paper for this procedure
    (Related letter GR/rules/sub rules)
    1. The ABCD list for the filling preservation or destruction of official records in district revenue offices complied by F.G.H. Andersen 1967 4th editing .
    2. GR No. MPV -102000/Pra. Kra.158/ dt.25/05/2000
  15. Points to be Observered
    1. Upkeep all Files received from various department.
    2. Record keeper / Cleark will check the all files as per list & year wise. Those files are not received he will make an entry in register.
    3. Received files he will keep as per classification in bundles.
    4. Paste a slip on bundles showing that classification / file closing year / destruction year/ bundle No. keep the bundles in racks of record office as per there department.
  16. Document of destruction
    1. Keep outdated records at one place.
    2. Before destruction of class B records take permission from concern officer.
    3. While destruction obtain signature from head clerk.
  17. After the procedure
    1. In record office documents/ file are safe and if required at any time it can be available.
    2. After the destruction of records new document can be placed at the racks.
    3. Outdated document can be sold as Raddi (waste paper) and amount of that can be deposited in Govt. Account.


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