India’s Stock Market Capitalization
India’s stock market capitalization beat France to reclaim its spot as the world’s fifth largest stock market, amid rapid revival in Adani Group stocks.
Foreign investors bought shares worth $4.5 billion in May so far, a little more than a two-fold increase from last month, according to India’s National Securities Depository.
The United States remains the world’s largest stock market with a market capitalisation of $44.54 trillion, followed by China ($10.26 trillion), Japan ($5.68 trillion) and Hong Kong ($5.14 trillion).
भारताच्या शेअर बाजार भांडवलाने फ्रान्सला मागे टाकून जगातील पाचव्या क्रमांकाचा शेअर बाजार म्हणून आपले स्थान पुन्हा मिळवले आहे.
भारताच्या नॅशनल सिक्युरिटीज डिपॉझिटरीनुसार, परदेशी गुंतवणूकदारांनी मे महिन्यात आतापर्यंत $4.5 अब्ज किमतीचे शेअर्स खरेदी केले आहेत, जे गेल्या महिन्याच्या तुलनेत दुप्पट वाढीपेक्षा थोडे अधिक आहे.
युनायटेड स्टेट्स हे $44.54 ट्रिलियनच्या बाजार भांडवलासह जगातील सर्वात मोठे स्टॉक मार्केट राहिले आहे, त्यानंतर चीन ($10.26 ट्रिलियन), जपान ($5.68 ट्रिलियन) आणि हाँगकाँग ($5.14 ट्रिलियन) आहे.
India stock market rebound: How much is it?
The market capitalisation of India stood at $3.3 trillion as of Friday. This was aided by rebound in Adani Group shares from a rout.
Investors choose India over China
Meanwhile, a number of overseas funds have been rotating money out of China into Indian stocks.
Beijing’s stringent Covid-19 policies, turmoil in its real estate industry, and a wave of anti-trust campaigns against China’s valuable tech firms have crushed sentiments for Chinese assets, economists say.